About Us
Coyote Trail Farm & Fiber Mill is designed to be a family owned and operated business.

Family Run
As the owner I have been playing with fiber since childhood and having my hands in everything- my grandmother always had projects going and was constantly buying quality wool from a variety of sources. Building this fiber mill fiber is a direct extension of that foundation...combined with my desire to raise beautiful fluffy animals. The fiber mill will also provide a needed bridge in the state to connect the livestock farmers and small flock owners with Alaska’s fiber artists. Having my children be a part of this process is an added plus.

Learning and Growing
Currently the farm has three female alpacas and one beautiful white herd sire. We also manage a small herd of ten sheep (for personal use) including three of the local meat variety, four pure breed Icelandic ewes and three that are a cross of the two breeds with stunning cream colored fiber coats. Our ram’s name is Weasley after the Weasley family in the Harry Potter series. He was named by my daughters. We seem to always have lambs around as we have a heated area for winter deliveries.

Living the Dream
As our farm and mill grows, I continue to become more active in Alaska’s fiber related organizations. I've toured Alaska's fairs, craft shows, and farmer's markets, discussing fiber animals and local processing with farmers, artisans, and other interested people. While on tour, I collect fiber from prospective customers for processing at our Coyote Trail facility.